PDF Ebook Adventures Beyond the Body: Proving Your Immortality Through Out-of-Body Travel
PDF Ebook Adventures Beyond the Body: Proving Your Immortality Through Out-of-Body Travel
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Adventures Beyond the Body: Proving Your Immortality Through Out-of-Body Travel
PDF Ebook Adventures Beyond the Body: Proving Your Immortality Through Out-of-Body Travel
Après avoir attendu pendant la longue période de temps, maintenant enfin il vient. Une publication qui se transforme en un d'un des éléments les plus attendus à cette époque! Guide qui se propage dans le monde entier! Certes, cette publication est l'une que nous vous conseillons pour vous. Le plus efficace que le meilleur point de trouver avec! Maintenant, une fois de plus, le livre est Adventures Beyond The Body: Proving Your Immortality Through Out-of-Body Travel
Parmi les livres que mentionné la lecture, nous offrons certainement est ici Adventures Beyond The Body: Proving Your Immortality Through Out-of-Body Travel Ceci est un livre d'analyse, un livre comme les autres. Page par page Web est préparée ainsi que pilled pour un. Pourtant, à l'intérieur de chaque page Web contenue par les livres contiennent définition vraiment remarquable. Le sens est juste ce que vous recherchez actuellement. Cependant, chaque publication a ses caractéristiques et définitions aussi. Il ne sera certainement pas dépendre de cet examen mais également guider.
Aussi ce livre est complété par les variations présentées de types; il ne sera pas ignorer pour atteindre la bonté. Pour gérer cette publication, vous pouvez le découvrir dans le lien Web comme prévu. Il sera disponible pour se connecter et aussi aller. De cela, vous pouvez commencer à télécharger et planifier la revue. En tant que publication idéale, Adventures Beyond The Body: Proving Your Immortality Through Out-of-Body Travel décrit en permanence les demandes de personnes. Il ne fera pas l'occasion qui ne sera pas associé à votre besoin.
En fournissant les informations, nous montrons également d'autres collections de livres. Nous comprenons que de nos jours, beaucoup de gens comme vérifier tant. Ainsi, la découverte des milliers de livres ici dans cette publication en ligne est extrêmement simple. La recherche et le surf peut se faire où que vous soyez. Il est le moyen vous utilisez de l'innovation contemporaine que la connexion Internet pour se connecter à ce site. De ce cas, nous sommes vraiment sûrs que les besoins de tout le monde sont couverts dans certaines publications, les publications spécifiques en fonction des sujets ainsi que les besoins. Comme le Adventures Beyond The Body: Proving Your Immortality Through Out-of-Body Travel qui est actuellement préventive.
Détails sur le produit
Broché: 304 pages
Editeur : HarperOne; Édition : 1st (13 juin 1996)
Langue : Anglais, Français, Allemand, Italien, Espagnol
ISBN-10: 0062513710
ISBN-13: 978-0062513717
Dimensions du produit:
13,5 x 1,7 x 20,3 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
5.0 étoiles sur 5
2 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
40.217 en Livres anglais et étrangers (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres anglais et étrangers)
Adventure Beyond the Body ( Aventures au delà du corps ) de William L. Buhlman est un livre merveilleux et éclairant sur le sujet qui titille la conscience de tous sur le devenir de l'humanité après la vie présente, c'est à dire, ce qui nous attend après que l'on a quitté la vie dans la présente réalité. William Buhlman a expérimenté la sortie du corps des milliers de fois et a apporté son témoignage sur d'autre Dimensions qui nous fait comprendre qu'en fait la mort n'existe pas car il s'agit d'une transition dans ces autres dimensions. Depuis une décennie ils enseigne aux gens dans son Atelier comment projeter leur conscience hors des limites de leur corps physique, ce que l'on connait comme "Voyages Astral" dans la Littérature désormais à la porté de tous.
Ecrit par un experienceur. Phrases courtes, très claires, l'ensemble de son écrit est hyper bien organisé. C'est un livre mode d'emploi écrit par un praticien pour ceux qui travaillent pour le devenir.
On my way to my first OBE on April 12 after 33 attempts full of struggles, doubts and increasing fear that I will never see the Subtle World on my own there were 2 books that saved the day. Firstly I read Adventures Beyond the Body, and it astounded me with the variety of methods how to induce an OBE. I grabbed for the easiest advice, to write down 50 or 100 times "I am going out of body". Being a film critic in my little Estonia, all I got that day was terrible sound of Jack Nicholson's "Here's Johnny!" and I saw the hopeless pages his role person wrote as a hopelessly untalented man. I felt it was me, that "Johnny," an old stupid fat Russian/Estonian woman who dreams to go out of body. It will never happen. Thank God, there was Robert Bruce's Treatise, and Dynamics that calmed me down. It suggested never to give up. 10 attempts to go out of body, then there were 20 more of them -- I was still trying. I returned to Buhlman's books and read, "You are responsible," "You have the power", the text kept hammering "you, you, you, nobody else!" Finally, the resistance backed off! There was nothing left but looking into myself. I started to revise failures and victories of my life that could fill a novel. I had the power do x, y, z in my life, that only few would do. Lets rely on my power in this as well! I got my first OBE, then the second one, the third one! Was I ready for a dialog with the limitless subtle world? Buhleman's books are stern ones, they demand to regain the faith in ourselves, lost by so many during our walk through the life difficulties. Can the author's message be any better?One quick note: read this book carefully and with the faith that the author is on your side! Look what mistake I did. For the starters, I grabbed the suggestion write down many times "Today I'll get out of body!" and got nothing but more fears. But I am a pro film critic who watched films 30 years in the dark movie room. My strong point is visualization. And later I found in Buhlman's books many descriptions how to engage visualization, sensations and etc. in self training of getting an OBE. In hte book, there is everything, and it will help, if you are ready to look for your power hidden under your negative experiences. If you are ready to deal with truth about yourself and your problems this book will cleanse your soul and uplift you faith. And this alone makes it stand out in the line of many books about inducing OBE.
For me, one of the most interesting, fascinating, optimistic, enlightening books I've ever read. Move over religions with all your trappings and dogmas. Reality -fortunately- has nothing to do with them. They belong to the Medieval Ages! Humanity is slowly waking up. Their control over humanity is coming to an end. The business is over.Thanks Mr.Buhlman for sharing your knowledge/experiences.Benjamin
Incredible book. I especially like the part where he talks about the science of space, black holes, wormholes and dimensions in our universe. He explains the concept of Einstein-Rosen bridge and wormholes in space, and how that could possibly factor into the existence of astral realm in our space. It really opened my eyes and makes me wonder about many things in our universe. It's also a great introduction to astral projection. If you are serious about AP and want to try it, this is the book for you-- he strongly recommends that you take 30 days to learn visualization and other AP techniques, otherwise it would not work.
I got out with these techniques. But this is way more than a "how-to" about OBE. This book changed my life and my view of life, religion, after life and physics. I am not afraid to die anymore.
This is one of the best books I have read so far on OBE/Astral Projection. I would hesitate to call it the best, in fact I am not sure there is any Best book on this subject, because each of the Best books help give you a clearer understanding of this subject. This book not only gives you exercises to help you experience a OBE, but it is an excellent guidebook on how to deal with what you encounter when having a OBE. He explains all the amazing things you can do and discover about yourself and the universe.The Multidimensional Human, Astral Dynamics, and Explorations in Consciousness are 3 other excellent books on this subject.I would have given this book 5 stars except for the misinformation on page 160. It states that it was Thomas Edison that developed a technique for maintaining a hypnagogic state during his naps that helped him develop his inventions. It was actually his employee, Nicola Tesla, who developed this technique. Along with that Edison was known to have taken the credit for lots of Tesla's Inventions. Edison was nothing more than a salesman with big ideas, who though nothing of stealing other peoples ideas.I may be getting off on a tangent, but Nikola Tesla once said, "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Swami Vivekananda was Tesla's mentor, an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th century saint Ramakrishna.
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